pp108 : Update BusObject SOAP Request

Update BusObject SOAP Request

This topic describes the Update BusObject SOAP request.

The Update BusObject SOAP request is used to update existing data in the database. The SOAP request is an XML structure, whereas the actual implementation of the request is through a Java method.

When the request is sent to WS-AppServer, it triggers a series of events. This is illustrated in the following figure.

Updating BusObjects without Loading them from Database

As an alternative approach, you can update BusObjects without sending a request to the database. You can retrieve a BusObject using its primary key, and use the SetAsPersistent method to change the state of the object to LC (Loaded + Changed). To update the BusObject in the database, you can change the values of the required attributes, and update the object in the database by using the update method.
For further information on this SOAP API, refer to the WS-AppServer SDK.
Note: WS-AppServer facilitates using some of the XQY extensions while executing these requests. For more information, see Leveraging XQY Extensions in WS-AppServer.

Related reference

Working with SOAP Requests and Responses
Insert BusObject SOAP Request
Delete BusObject SOAP Request
Query BusObject SOAP Request
Validate BusObject SOAP Request
Workflow of Applying Constraints on BusObjects
Workflow of Applying Display Settings to BusObjects
Workflow of Applying Properties to BusObjects
Workflow of Committing Transactions
Workflow of Evaluating Access on BusObjects